Wednesday, December 14, 2011


It's everywhere,

It's on the floors, it's in the hallway, it's all over the air. An orange haze hovers around the town. Why? Well, all of this dust is coming from the Sahara, hundreds of miles away, and settling around here. Again, why? This always happens around Dry Season. Again, WHY? Well, here's my first theory: the dust is blowing over from the Sahara all the time, it's just that in the Rainy Season it gets washed away. My second theory is that maybe since you have the Dry Seasons and Rainy Seasons all over the continent (I think), then maybe the Sahara's dust only blows over in the Dry Season because that's when it's driest. This last theory doesn't make that much sense because deserts don't get much rainfall in the first place, even if it is Rainy Season. So then here's the next question. How does this dust travel from the Sahara all the way to here? It's possible, because I've heard of dust traveling to Florida and stuff from the same desert. And why does the Sahara produce so much dust in the first place? Is it a dust factory or something?

Signing off,
The Traveler

P.S. I think there might be monkeys in the Backyard Backyard.

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