Sunday, July 31, 2011

Second Presentation

I think that that presentation went so well,

I deserve a pat on the back. Yes; I did it again! I had a lot of fun showing the robot that I had created this time, and a lot of people liked it. The robot was called the ARMU (Automatic Road Mapping Utility), and it searched for potholes (mounds of clay on my model) on a fake track that I had made. I think the crowd really liked the idea, since Nigeria’s roads are in major need of repair, but like I said before, the most important part about the whole thing was that I HAD FUN!

Signing off,
The Traveler.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Barbecue & Party

We're having a barbecue today!

Right now we're making sure the house is nice and clean, and we're pretty excited. No, not about the party part. About the barbecue part of course! Barbecue chicken and everything, it's gonna be great! I can't wait! For the barbecue of course.

Signing off,
The Traveler

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Books

Now that I have more time,

I can now really delve into righting my books. Yeah, I’m an author (or trying to be one J), and I’m making a fantasy book right now; I’m editing the last one that I’ve written in the series which is a pain in the neck because it’s 256 pages, and that’s a LOT to go through and revise, I’m telling you. You’ll all see my work soon; I’m going to definitely publish it!

Signing off,
The Traveler

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Almost Finished


I'm almost finished with my robot that I'm making for this next presentation (only 2 days!), and I'm ready!

Wish me luck,
The Traveler

Thursday, July 14, 2011



Can anyone believe that I'm giving another presentation on another robot in only 5 days? Now you know why I haven't been blogging as frequently, and don't expect so until I'm finished. AHHHH!

Signing off,
The Traveler

Monday, July 11, 2011

Game Night 2

First let me just say that I had made a mistake with the Game Night post,

I published it a day late because of internet problems, and we actually had the Game Night two nights ago. But anyway, we had a barbecue, and we ate Pringles, IT WAS GREAT. We stayed up till midnight!

Signing off,
The Traveler

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Presentation

I just finished doing a presentation!

I got to present my Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 to like 700 people. But I’m too tired right now to talk about it right now, so I’ll post later.

Signing off,
The Traveler

Monday, July 4, 2011



They’re huge. They’re loud. They give out fumes. They give us electricity. Right now, PHCN hasn’t turned on the power for days now, but we’ve been using all of our electronic appliances every day. And plus since we have our inverter, which is like a giant battery that’s connected to our house, we are pretty much set.

Signing off,
The Traveler

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Huge Thunderstorm

There was a huge thunderstorm last night,

And they’re kinda creepy here, because sometimes the lightning strikes so close to the house you see it and then you hear a huge crack of thunder, less than a second between each other! One time, I was about to start doing the dishes when suddenly I saw a flash of something and then a pop to my right. I looked over there, and the plug that was for the refridgerator that was connected to an outlet was on the ground. Something made it fly right out of the outlet, and if that isn’t a little disturbing then I don’t know what is. This one was pretty bad as well, and Shep, our puppy, was really scared, whimpering all night. But we’re fine.

Signing off,
The Traveler