Friday, February 18, 2011

We Have the New Goat!

Will we ever stop getting new animals?

Just yesterday, some friends of ours dropped off their goat named Brownie for us to keep. They have a sort of rescue thing going where they...well...rescue animals that are in danger. Note that I didn't say endangered; I said in danger. They'll adopt anything! From monkeys to antelopes they've got it. I think I've talked about them before know that I think about it...but anyway, they gave us their goat, and Brownie's real bold. I mean, REAL BOLD. Our other goats, Right-Ear and Other Goat, don't let us within five feet of them; if you say, "Brownie!" to Brownie, she'll run right to you and look at you. She even tried eating my fingers! She acts much more like a dog than a goat; she even has a collar round her neck: the purpose? For pulling her back from eating your pants! The other two goats are pretty huffy to her and try to chase her away from the food and water, but then I chase them back. Shep has tried biting at her a few times, I just hope he's playing!

Signing off,
The Traveler

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