Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chick Hotel

We've adopted three chicks: Snowy, Rosy, and Caramel. My sisters named them, and we're keeping them until they get strong enough to live out in the yard. Why are we doing this? Because their mother was killed! This dog that would come in the night would eat all of chickens. I think it's trying to eat every last one or something. But anyway, it ate the hen and three of her babies. There were six in all before; now, there are only three. We found them under a sandal, cheeping for their mother, so we quickly put them in a quiet room we weren't using, put some food and water in this large green bowl, and let them do their thing. And they are extremely healthy; almost all of their wing feathers have come in, and they're chirping like crazy. We put a heater (actually a very hot 240 to 120 volt step-down), and they huddle around it at night to sleep. Dino likes to eat the same feed as them. Actually, Dino has been flying lately! He flew from the window to the door today, so we're thinking we're going to let him go soon. Things are really looking up for him.

Signing off,
The Traveler

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