Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dry Season's Gone Already?

It's already going away!

If you've read Desert Tropics, I wrote that a few days ago, you'll know what Dry Season is supposed to be like. Extremely...uh...dry, and without a cloud in the sky. Hot in the day, cold at night. Well, there's something seriously wrong here. Right now, I'm looking out the window, and the sky is overcast. Gray. With more than a few clouds covering the atmosphere. Also, it's comfortably warm, like it usually is in the Rainy Season. And also, it's not getting extremely cold at night anymore! It's mild! Dry Season is already leaving, and it's been how long since it's started? About a few weeks? Or maybe even less! Global warming for ya. Since the globe is heating up and pollution is destroying Earth, one of the aftermaths of the destruction is no more seasons. Well, there will be, but not that much. Like right now, in Nigeria, it's pretty much Rainy Season all year round. It's not supposed to be that way! Raining all the time will be pretty gloomy. It's getting too much, and it's not gonna be good if we don't do something about it. Even though it hasn't rained since Dry Season started,  these clouds seem like they promise that there is going to be a downpour soon. Not good.

Signing off,
The Traveler

P.S: We ate Bar Jesus chicken. Delicious!

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