Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fake Titles!

You heard right!

My parents were talking with some of their friends and hour ago. One of them said that they know some people who'll assign themselves the title "Dr." when they're not really even close to being a doctor! Freaky stuff right? Why lie? Well it's this exotic idea that most of you might not's called showing off. They wanna be the coolest kids on the block so they make themselves the coolest kids on the block by calling themselves the coolest kids on the block. It's pretty low, like real bad. My Mother got pretty angry when she heard that. She was ranting about how those people don't know how much work it takes to earn the "Dr." title legitimately. I agree. Those sort of people get on my last nerve. They just don't care. So because being called "Dr." is the cool new thing they try to jump the bandwagon in the laziest way possible. Honestly it's too easy to earn a title here in Nigeria. Pretty much anyone can do it. You can even go to illegal places and they'll print out an awesome looking certificate with your signature on it. Don't get me wrong! Not everyone's a crook. A lot of the students and professors earn their titles the correct hard way. I think that most of these students earn even more what with all of the strikes they have to sit through. A four year course could be doubled because of a full university shutdown! But I still thought the fake title stuff was interesting so I just wanted to tell you all. :)

Signing off,
The Traveler