Saturday, March 12, 2011

Made Cheaply in China

Have you ever wanted an Oreo, but all you could buy were some Moreos?

How about wanting to get some scissors for a project, but the only thing available were some Chinese scissors that broke in the first five minutes of use?

Well, these are some of the problems we have here in Nigeria: instead of Oreos, there are Moreos, which taste nothing like Oreos; instead of a XBox 360, you got the "official" SEGA 101 video games in 1 game console, which was definitely NOT made by SEGA. What do I mean? Well, since a lot of the American companies haven't really started selling to Nigeria, a lot of Chinese and Nigerian companies copy different brands, and sell them. Usually, they are nowhere close to the original, but what else do you have? Also, you might be thinking, "yeah, I have a few problems with Chinese stuff, but it's not that bad; what's this kid complaining about?" Well, America has very strict regulations on products that come into the country, so China has to go by the rules, which means that the product can't be made out of cheap materials, defective parts, and toxic metals; basically the stuff's gotta work, and it's gotta work right. But here in Nigeria, it's a different matter; either Nigeria doesn't have such strict regulations or China doesn't care, because there are a lot of strange things coming here. A lot of the instruction manuals made by the Chinese companies are pretty funny though! We got this one toy for my baby sister, and the instruction manual had so many grammatical errors and so many words used incorrectly, that the instructions looked like they were written in anything but English! That's why we get a lot of packages sent by our Aunt who lives in America. That way we can get exactly what we want.

Signing off,
The Traveler

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