Remember that post I wrote about Lagos undergoing renovation?
It's not only Lagos. I was wrong about that. This is happening all over the country. Even here in Ife. Ife is considered a rural sort of place by most Nigerians. A place where nothing is happening to put it simply. (To be honest, sometimes I agree with them. :P) Even here--though the progress is much slower than in Lagos--I'm starting to see differences than when we first came to Nigeria. In 2009, there was no pizza delivery. Now there is. So what if the pizza tastes like fuel? It's still pizza delivery. In 2009, there was no fiber optic cabling. Guess what? They're lying down the foundations for that right now. Do you see what I mean? It's not blazing fast progress, but it's progress nonetheless. Heck, it's more than what we had back in '09. That's gotta mean something. Besides, Ife is always getting bigger, at a freakishly fast rate. Our city in the States, Durham, has a population of 228,000 sumthin. Ife's population is 372,000. And that's a rough approximation. I think you're starting to see what I'm talking about. Ife is going to become one of the biggest cities in Nigeria in couple of decades. And with a growing middle-class in Nigeria anyway, you're going to need more amenities if you want to avert discontent from the masses. Maybe that's why the government is allowing foreign companies to fill in these spots.
Here's the update part: We're leaving in a week for Durham and my laptop is completely messed up. At first I thought it was my HDD. I was sort of right; it was part of the problem, but I also think that my graphics card could also be going bad due to overheating. Not good news, right? Well, at least I can go and see my friends again back in America! That is going to be too much fun. (Goodness, I wish that I had posted more pictures in the last 3 years! I have to get a camera...)
Signing off,
The Traveller
It's not only Lagos. I was wrong about that. This is happening all over the country. Even here in Ife. Ife is considered a rural sort of place by most Nigerians. A place where nothing is happening to put it simply. (To be honest, sometimes I agree with them. :P) Even here--though the progress is much slower than in Lagos--I'm starting to see differences than when we first came to Nigeria. In 2009, there was no pizza delivery. Now there is. So what if the pizza tastes like fuel? It's still pizza delivery. In 2009, there was no fiber optic cabling. Guess what? They're lying down the foundations for that right now. Do you see what I mean? It's not blazing fast progress, but it's progress nonetheless. Heck, it's more than what we had back in '09. That's gotta mean something. Besides, Ife is always getting bigger, at a freakishly fast rate. Our city in the States, Durham, has a population of 228,000 sumthin. Ife's population is 372,000. And that's a rough approximation. I think you're starting to see what I'm talking about. Ife is going to become one of the biggest cities in Nigeria in couple of decades. And with a growing middle-class in Nigeria anyway, you're going to need more amenities if you want to avert discontent from the masses. Maybe that's why the government is allowing foreign companies to fill in these spots.
Here's the update part: We're leaving in a week for Durham and my laptop is completely messed up. At first I thought it was my HDD. I was sort of right; it was part of the problem, but I also think that my graphics card could also be going bad due to overheating. Not good news, right? Well, at least I can go and see my friends again back in America! That is going to be too much fun. (Goodness, I wish that I had posted more pictures in the last 3 years! I have to get a camera...)
Signing off,
The Traveller
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