We saw them a few days ago, a whole highway of them on a dry riverbed on our property. Here are the pictures:
Totally unrelated, but I don't think I'll ever get them in a pose like this again. These are our three goats: Mohawk, Right Ear, and Other Goat.
Another picture of them, close up.
This is one trail through our yard. I don't think this part is exactly our land, but it's right next to us so we explore in it.
Here's the star of the show: the soldier ants moving their colony. You see that reddish path that is indented in the dirt? Yes, that's them. If you were there in the flesh, you would see hundreds of little "nurse ants" carrying larvae, walking on the backs of soldier ants.
That red mass right there are hundreds of 'em all in one place.
This is just one small example of their monstrous swarms. We were on a bridge over the riverbed, so we were pretty much safe from being torn apart. Alive.
On that happy note, Signing off,
The Traveler
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