Saturday, March 31, 2012


Translation: My black cat are evil.

WAIT! DON'T SPAM ME W/ HATE STUFF YET! What I mean to say is that every Nigerian says that my black kittens are evil. I just changed the "your" part so I could catch you guys' attention. :) But seriously, I'm pretty much sick of this. All they do is complain about how black cats the Devil and all that. One of them even said we should have gotten white cats instead. I call that stupidness. They think that all of these fears of black cats are just a part of their ancient culture and tradition. IT'S NOT. I did some background research and discovered that actually, in their Origin stories about the world, the Yoruba main God's son came down to the Earth. He brought a chicken to make land, sand for the land, and a BLACK CAT for FRIENDLY COMPANY. In the Yoruba religion animals can talk, and the black cat was completely nice. I think it's really sad that they have their own stories twisted. All of this black cat junk came from Europeans. It started with some Pope and then it skyrocketed since that. Even here. I see it as kind of racial self-hatred as well. Look at it this way: the Nigerian who said we should have gotten another type of cat had at first just said she was afraid of our black cat. That's not as bad, but why was that she said that we should have gotten specifically a white cat instead? To them, white is right. I seriously don't believe in that. White is not right. Neither is any other ethnicity. We are all Homo Sapiens. This is a problem not only in Nigeria but all over the world. We seriously need to deal with this. If we don't, we'll all be thinking somebody is better than another. That's not cool AT ALL. D:

Signing off,
The Traveler