Friday, December 9, 2011

Looking for Fruit

Remember the last post I did, New Fruit?

I've been eating those things up like no one's business. And boy, now the tree's almost empty of the red cherries! So I went around the yard looking for more fruit to pluck. Guava's? Nope, not ripe yet. They're just small green things right now. Cashews? Nu-uh. Not even thinking about being ready to harvest. Mangoes? Not ready either. Bananas? Well, we had already gotten a few bunches of bananas a few days ago, and besides I can't climb up the trees and cut them down myself. Plantains? You can't eat plantains raw in the first place, so I move past that. Pineapples? I would have to hack them off their stalk-bush thingy. Last was almonds, and there were none that I could see that were ripe. Oh wait, I made a mistake; last was tangellos, and they weren't ripe either. Nothing is ready for my to just take down and eat. Eh, whatever. But I think the reason is because everything's dying right now. Since it's become dry season, almost all the grass in the lawn is yellow and crumbling, and leaves are falling like in Fall. And the heat in the daytime is so dry and...dry, it's completely energy sapping. And then in the nighttime it drops to like 60 degrees farenheit. That's like SUPER cold here. I shouldn't really be complaining; it's pretty chilly up in the States right now, but for Nigeria, that's like freezing snow kinda cold. I really wish I had some fruit....

Signing off,
The Traveler

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