Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Remember I had posted about how Harmattan is on the way?

I was wrong. Or at least I think I was. This is why: the weather can't decide whether it wants to be Dry Season or Rainy Season. What do I mean? Well, here's what happened yesterday:

I wake up to a baking type of heat, there's not a cloud in the sky. Not ONE. The sun is bright and...well, sunny...and honestly, it's a burden. It's way too hot. Everyone's sweltering, everyone's sweating. Sounds like Dry Season to me! Well, at about around 5:00, a huge dark gray thundercloud sweeps over the sky, and then the heat suddenly disappears into that musty, just about to rain smell. And then there's an all-out downpour which lasts for a few hours and leaves everything drenched. Now that is a Rainy Season scenario. Two seasons in one day. Thank you, Global Warming!

Signing off,
The Traveler

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