Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Eclipse (That I Never SAW)

Yesterday there was a total lunar eclipse!

Or I was told. I never SAW IT. It was here in Ife, and I never got to see the thing. Do you know how I missed it? Because that day, the weather decided to rain the most violent thunderstorm that I have ever seen. The day when we wanted there to be a clear sky. I mean, the storm was so bad that wind was coming through every window and we had to close them all super quick (we have A LOT of windows in our house), and it came down in sheets and sheets. Our goats all came up on the porch and stayed there; goats really don’t like rain. If one of their kids is stuck in the middle of a storm, then the mother’ll just bleat super loud and stay in her dry spot; no way is she getting wet too! Well, I’m a little angry right now, so that’s all I have to say.

Signing off
The Traveler

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