A few days ago I was walking Shep around the yard when he started sniffing (more like trying to bite) at something. I turned around to see what had caught his attention, and it was a brown bird. It looked nothing like a chick, and it was flaring up it's large wings in defense. I quickly yanked Shep away, and scrutinized the bird. It was brown, and pretty large for a chick, and some of it's adult feathers were still growing in. I called my Dad, and he said that it wasn't a hen's baby. It was something else, so he scooped it up, and we put it inside a large green bowl, with some water, and bread. It wouldn't eat or anything; it would just stay in a little ball, and every once in a while defensively raise it's wings. My little sister thought it was a dinosaur, which is ridiculous, I know, but it sort of looked like one. It had really big eyes, and it's beak looked a little prehistoric. So, we've been caring for it ever since, and it's much more comfortable around us now, and it's eating. It makes this strange whistle noise that is very high pitched and has a head that looks suspiciously like a Hammerkop (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamerkop). We've named him Dino, and he can balance really well. Maybe that's why he's a bird; we actually don't know if it's a he or she. I think we'll have to wait till it gets it older. We have no idea where it came from either; we couldn't find it's nest or anything. One thing is for sure; Dino really likes to balance on fingers. Maybe we can teach him to stand on a shoulder and squawk!
Signing off,
The Traveler
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