Tuesday, January 4, 2011

We Have The New Pup!

His name's Shep, and he's really adorable. He's a pure-bred German Shepherd, and he's mostly black, with a light tan underside. He loves to chew, and is more hyper-active than a bolt of lightning. He really likes his tennis ball, and chews on the spokes of my bike (which is just a tad bit annoying.) He's really smart; I've almost finished training him to Sit and he's been learning Come by accident. We've been saying, "Come 'ere, Shep!" and clap four times, and he's taken that to mean, come to us. He also likes watermelon, and has been bonding with the goats. The goats are extremely curious as to what he is, and sniff around him a lot. My Dad says that they probably think he's a baby goat! He hates the chickens though, but I don't blame him. They get on my nerves too with their chickening out at every little thing. He tries to catch them and eat them, but it never really works. He's a little too slow since he's just a baby, and just succeeds in scaring the roosters out of their minds. Here are some pics of him:

Shep's posing here. I got him to Sit.

Him posing again on our porch.

My sister playing with Shep.

Chewing on his watermelon skin. He used to have the sweetness of the red fruit inside the skin that we gave him, but that was gone in about five minutes.

Walking off of the porch.

He really, REALLY, loves that skin.

A close up picture of our puppy.

 Examining his toy.

Signing off,
The Dog Owning Traveler

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