Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dubai and Abu Dhabi


Well, we arrived this morning! And man have I got a lot to tell you guys. I'm pretty much going to skip talking about the flight itself. It was at night so we couldn't see anything and all I did was watch Captain America and the Simpsons. All I'll tell you is about when 30 minutes before we landed, when the sun was rising up, I look down at the desert below. It looked like a sea, but we weren't anywhere near water. Isn't that crazy? It looked so flat from such a high altitude. It was really awesome. And then, as we see Dubai from above, I see the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa! Don't worry, I filmed some wicked footage of it, and that shall be posted later. But anyway. After we landed and got outta the airport, we began to drive our way to Abu Dhabi. Somebody had told us that the trip was short, like only 30 minutes. Well guess what? The trip between Dubai and Abu Dhabi is like 2 HOURS!!! And this is after a 6 hour plane trip. As you can tell, we weren't very happy about this. But wait, before I continue, let me explain a few things. For those of you people who are wondering, wait, I thought you guys were going to Dubai? Well, we were wrong. Dubai is the capital city of the UAE, and has the 7 star hotel and the tallest building in the world. Abu Dhabi is like that other one. It's a lot smaller, it's still getting developed and all, and it's pretty nice. The attention to detail in both cities is amazing. Everything is intricately carved and there are all of these wacky buildings, like one that leans and one that's top-heavy. One of the interesting things that I've noticed here is that the faces of the two princes and king of UAE is everywhere; in supermarkets, in camera stores, in malls, in KFCs. EVERYWHERE. Why? Well, it's kinda like law to have at least one picture of them if you have a public outlet or whatever. It's starting to get a little creepy, with their eyes following you wherever you go. It almost feels like your inside of 1984. But it is a monarchy and all, so I guess they have to enforce their rule somehow. :/. And things are so EXPENSIVE here! A paperback of I Am Number 4 is $14!!! Every product is at the least $10 more expensive than it should be. So my Dad isn't very happy. I'm not jumping for joy either. I had wanted to buy an XBox 360 wireless controller so I could play Shift 2 in style but it was like $50. It might actually be less expensive back in Nigeria! Before we went, all of these Nigerians had told us that it is cheaper to shop in Dubai than in Lagos, so we believed them. WE SHOULDN'T HAVE. But, anyway, I'll continue the story later.

Signing off,
The Traveler

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sorry about the video, that's gonna have to happen later.

The internet is not working. As usual. :/ It's too slow to upload a 24 megabyte file. THAT'S how slow it is at our house. I think it's because we live right next to a village and they're not using computers that much. Anyways...other than that small disappointment, I'm doing fine. I have to make this post real short cuz I'm using my Mom's laptop cuz our modem works best on hers. Go figure! The competition's doing well, we're just trying to get everything finished up. We're working on the Green City right now, everything's so last second it's kinda annoying. I need to get off.

Signing off,
The Traveler

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


It's really late right now so I can't be on for like a whole lot of time,

I'm making a video post about our yard, it's about 7 minutes so that's gonna be pretty cool! This is what I've been working on. HD and everything. No, I don't have a new camcorder, we just borrowed a friend's for the WRO competition and I thought: hey, while we have it and all...

So please be PATIENT!
The Traveler

Friday, November 4, 2011

What the heck IS that page anywho?

Well, what is the page titled L I N E S all about?

You guys deserve the truth: L I N E S is an all-new comedic webcomic that I am in the process of creating! :D
Good news,

Dry Season is finally here!!! After all this time. You know, back in my Father's day, Dry Season would come in April. This year, it's coming about 7 months late. Yep. That definitely doesn't prove global warming, right? Some people are extremely horrible at interpreting sarcasm; IT DOES PROOVE GLOBALE WORRMINGG. Ok? Well, now that we have that little problem outta the way,

Thursday, November 3, 2011

WRO Problems

I would've posted yesterday if it hadn't been for the freaking internet connection.

I don't exaggerate when I say that it hadn't worked for the whole day. We couldn't get to one single site. But this isn't the only thing that I'm angry with. Remember the post just before this one, the one called WRO Excitement? Well, I'm still excited about the competition, but I'm not happy at all with the Nigerian side of it. When I won, they said that my team and I would go to Dubai to represent Nigeria. Now the team includes the coach and everything, right? Well, at the last minute they tell us that they're not paying for the coach. Or the teachers. Or any adults. Just the KIDS. So how are we supposed to navigate ourselves through the airport, to the hotel, out of the hotel and all that junk? I'm not joking, they actually expected for the kids to go on their own. Now that's just disrespectful and shameful in so many ways. But it's not only this. For the competition in Lagos, we had built a robot for a specific section of the competition called the robot recycler. When we get back to Ife to go and improve on the design for Dubai (cause you would assume that what we were going to do again) the Nigerian company who's sponsoring all this tells us we can't do the robot recycler. Now we have to do something completely different. Not only that, but my father's the coach of my team. They want my father to coach two teams for two completely different sections of the competition. And they're STILL not paying for his ticket. Honestly, they're not giving him any support at all, whatsoever. They say they can't pay for the coach's ticket, so then why is it, that some people who aren't doing anything related to the team or the competition are coming to Dubai with us? Where did they get their money? Are you beginning to understand the problem now? Nigeria wants to go to an international competition for a few reasons. The first is that the people want to go to Dubai. The second is that they wanna say when it's all over that Nigeria was a part of an international competition. But honestly, I really think they don't actually care about any of this. If it's gonna be like this next year, I'm not participating.

Signing off,
The Traveler

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

WRO Excitement

First of all, let me first say that I am so sorry.

I haven't posted in the longest of time because of our internet connection. IT SUCKS. That's putting it lightly. I am not joking when I say that I've barely even been able to get onto any site for like weeks on end. But I have a lot to say; I'm going to Dubai! So that's gonna be really fun to post about. Why am I going to Dubai? Well, I just competed in Lagos. They were having a competition with the Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0; whoever went to go and represent the whole country at the WRO (World Robot Olympiad), in Dubai! Cool, right? Well, I WON, and now we are preparing with my team everyday, getting ready for the competition. In the section that we're doing, the Stair Climber, you have to build a robot that can go up and down some stairs while carrying an egg on it's back.Well, we have a working build, and it is blazing FAST. Thailand team can make theirs finish the whole task in 9.5 seconds. Well guess what; I think we're about to beat their record! We can actually win this thing!!! Please wish me luck.

Signing off,
The Traveler