Wow, I am really embarrased, *look down uncomfortably, shuffle shoes.* The post labeled,
100th post, was
not my 100th post. It was my 99th., anyway, this is the real hundreth post, and I ain't writing another little speech about how long I've been doing this and everything. Soooo...let's put that little incident past us, shall we? :) Please? :) :) :)
But, lemme talk about my newest discovery; large rodents are delicious. Don't say eew yet, 'cause I don't mean big rats: I mean woodcutters. They look almost like capybaras, except I think they're smaller and lighter. And, I bet (though I haven't tried it), they are tastier. We had some a few months ago. We had found this hunter, who gave us some. We payed him, though, and ate the leg. It was a little tough, and reminds me slightly of bat. It's pretty good. My Mom wouldn't come within five miles of it. She looked at it, and quickly walked away. I think even just seeing it threw her off. But my Dad, he'll eat anything. Here are the list of things he has eaten:
1. Dog (there's a dish with dog in it here. Please, don't start rallies against it; it's traditional, just like some European countries that eat cat brain. So shut up.)
2. Cat
3. Snake
4. Alligator
5. Horse (I told you, he's tried everything.)
6. Termites (fried and seasoned reasonably, it's pretty good. Okay more then pretty good, it's delicious!)
7. Goat Head Soup (Or Ise-Ewu here, I actually had a post about it.)
8. The Tongue of Different Animals (It's really tough. I'm not very fond of tongues.)
9. (I would advise queasy people to really stop reading right now, unless they want to throw up.) Cooked rat. (My Mom didn't know what it was until she ate it. lol. This was before I was born. Apparently, she liked it. Before she knew what it was!)
10. Spaghetti. With Meatballs.
11. Mashed Butterfly!
Except for number 10, which was just random, all of these things are totally gross to the Western world, as you can tell. Except for some dishes. And these are only the stuff he has told me he has eaten. I've eaten a few of these things, but we're also planning on slaughtering one of our chickens very soon: Bar-Jesus Chicken. A character from a play that I was in here. He used to be the leader of the pack, strutting around proudly and cock-a-doodle-doing in every chickens face, until Black-and-White Chicken dethroned him. Apparently, it was an epic battle for them, because when Bar-Jesus Chicken came away, one of his eyes was swollen and he seemed deflated of all of his pompous bouyancy. Too bad! At least we'll get to eat him. In Nigeria, it's not strange for people to slaughter the animals that live in their yards, like after a while, we'll eat the goats, and some of the chickens, but not enough to have no one to steal eggs from. Speaking of that, the eggs from the hens are phenominal. Before you start saying that we are animal abusers (which we're not), let me explain that the eggs that hens lay aren't always full of chicks. You see, hens can't help but have eggs constantly, and they don't want every batch. So, sometimes, they just leave the eggs there after they're born. The chicks never grow, and the eggs stay just regular eggs. So, just say what you know. There is a saying here: he knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool. Think about what I wrote, and figure out the meaning. You can do it!
Signing off,
The Traveler